Thursday, September 25, 2008

Acne Scars - Formation

Acne Scars are a result of the permanent effects of acne on the skin after the acne itself has subsided.

Acne scarring is a result of many factors. White blood cells are produced by the body to combat the inflammation caused by excess sebum in the sebaceous glands. After the inflammation has been alleviated, the tissue surrounding the area might not experience full recovery. This produces the visible effect of scar tissue. Most marks on the skin are not actually scars, less severe marks will often disappear within a few months.

There are two main kinds of acne scarring.

Hypertrophic scarring: The excessive growth of tissue. Excessive collagen is produced to repair the tissue, and the excess tissue produced thus produces the bumpy appearance.

Atrophic scarring: The loss of tissue due to the inflammation caused by acne bacteria around the region.

Adult Acne - What causes it and how to cure it

Adult acne is a condition that affects many adults, and up to a quarter of men and half of women will find that they are affected by adult acne at some point in their lives.

Factors that cause adult acne

Some factors that might result in adult acne are: the usage of drugs and medication, lack of vitamins, hormones, and prolonged exposure to detrimental chemical substances or toxins.

Thankfully, adult acne brought about by these factors are more often than not short term and will not last.

Adult acne is caused by excess sebum produced by the sebaceous gland which is located just under the skin. Acne bacteria that is present in the skin is able to feed on and then reproduce thanks to the excess acne and the resulting inflammation thus develops into adult acne.

If you intend to control and manage your adult acne issues, changes will have to be made in hygiene habits, as well as your lifestyle and eating habits.

A couple or two pimples can most likely be easily dealt with by acne medication purchased over the counter, but if the condition persists or is more severe you should see a dermatologist.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Natural and Home Acne Remedies

The treatments for acne problems are numerous, but the ones most common are usually those involving chemicals that are often harsh on the skin and might have certain adverse side effects.
Heres some natural acne remedies and healthy habits that will help to cure your acne.

Drinking sufficient water everyday
-Drinking enough water, about 8 glasses a day to ensure sufficient water in your body. This helps to eliminate toxic wastes and is a great way to reduce acne.

Foods high in zinc content
-Keeping zinc in your diet helps to reduce acne breakouts due to its anti-bacterial properties

Honey masks
-Honey is another substance that has anti-bacterial properties and thus is great as an acne mask. Applying a honey mask on your face once or twice a week can help to reduce acne as well.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Exercise and how it can improve your acne problems

Exercise results in sweat which assists in cleansing out your pores. Not only that, the increased bloodflow in your body increases the oxygen provided to your skin cells to assist in reducing acne. The cleansed pores make it easier for the existing acne to be dealt with.

Furthermore, exercising improves the functioning of your internal organs. Your heart is able to circulate blood and thus oxygen around your body faster, while excretory systems such as the liver and kidneys are better able to remove and dispel toxins from your body. The overall beneficial effects are multiplied for your acne problems.

Important point to note: Do remember to shower and wash your face as quickly as you can after exercise. The sweat that is generated by exercise is a prime breeding ground for acne bacteria, and it is vital to keep yourself clean so that acne bacteria does not have the chance to reproduce and grow.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Your diet and how it might affect your acne

How the foods you eat affect your acne
There has been no proven scientific research conclusively showing links between your diet and acne related problems. The relationship, if any exists in the first place, is likely to differ from each individual.

However, there are some general guidelines that you can take note of to help ease your acne condition.

Oily/fatty foods

Foods that contain high levels of satured fats may contribute to increased oil secretion and cause pore blockage, leading to acne. Typical foods that contain high amounts of saturated foods include foods of animal origin, such as dairy products, meat and poultry. Do take note that the body requires a certain level of fatty acids so do not cut down too much on intake of fats.

Foods with high salt content

Large amounts of iodine in a diet has shown to have worsened acne conditions in certain sufferers. As such, foods with high levels of iodized salts, such as chips and other salty food should be avoided as much as possible.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

What are the exact causes of acne - The starting phases of acne formation

Acne is what occurs on the skin due to influences of bacteria, hormones and inflammations that result at the oil pore, also known as the pilosebaceous follicle..

During this stage, the sebaceous glands produce larger than usual amounts of oil. This oil is usually poorer in its contents, and results in the clogging up of the pores. This results in blackheads forming on the surface of the skin.

The bacteria that causes acne thus starts to reproduced in the oil that remains in the pores. The excess oil serves as food for these bacteria, that excrete more chemicals. These chemicals draw white blood cells, leading to further inflammation. The visible results of this inflammation on the skin are pimples and pastules, or what we refer to as acne.

As the hair follicles that have suffered inflammation develop, this leads to inflammation of the surrounding skin, leading to the formation of even larger lumps, thus resulting in cystic acne.

This inflammation causes the death of the cells that produce collagen, a hormone essential for the growth of skin. The reduced production of collagen causes the skin to become thinner in that area, thus resulting in the appearance of scarred skin and depressions.

What are the causes of worsened acne?

Acne is caused by both hormonal factors, bacteria and the resulting inflammation of the skin in the area. These factors combine to form the visible appearance of acne scars and pock-marked skin.

Blockage of the skin pores may also worsen acne. Some causes of this blockage are non-natural products like makeup, chemicals like hairsprays and oils(for example from cooking). Certain clothing such as sports gear, headwear may also prevent proper air ventilation and thus worsen the blockage in the covered areas.

Medicine that affects your body's hormonal cycle may also worsen your acne by ramping up the production of oil in the sebaceous glands and causing further blockage.

Certain habits like the squeezing of pimples or scratching of the affected areas may cause further acne in the surrounding regions, as the acne bacteria is spread to the surrounding areas of the skin. Prolonged scratching may also cause further damage to the inflamed area and cause the oil to spread deeper into the surrounding regions, causing even further inflammation.